Men & Women

Equipping men to live out their faith with courage and strength.

We recognize the importance of creating opportunities for men to connect and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and in authentic friendship with one another.

Join us every Tuesday at 6:30am at IHOP (7951 NE Vancouver Plaza Drive, Vancouver, WA) for time in the Word, breakfast, and connection. It's a great midweek "top off the tank" opportunity with God and other guys.

Men’s Ministry

We recognize the value and importance of being connected as a community of women who desire to grow closer to Jesus and each other. At Liberty Bible, our desire is to provide opportunities for connection, encouragement, spiritual growth through Biblical teaching, and intentional times of rest through retreats.

Want to know more?

If you are interested in learning more about Women’s ministry, Women’s retreat, or ways to get involved, contact Pastor Amber.

Women’s Ministry


4 @ 4 is our Liberty Bible running group

TUESDAYS, 4PM (beginning August 8)

4 mile run, walk, bike, ride stroller, dog walk, kid chase.

(Klineline trail starting at the VGSA parking lot)

Exodus 18:18