Upcoming Events

Rebecca Manley Pippert
Transform Northwest presents world renowned evangelist, Rebecca Manley Pippert.
Learn to “live the faith you share and share the faith you live”
$99 per person
50% off until 2/28 ($49 per person)
Buy 10 or more tickets and pay only $39 per person!
Ticket price includes lunch
at Liberty Bible Church
Order tickets HERE

Widow/ers Group
Widows & Widowers,
Join us every 3rd Wednesday of the month for a time of sharing, support & encouragement (as some fun as well!)
We meet at Liberty Bible Church, downstairs in Room 102

Kids Palm Sunday Processional
On Palm Sunday this year (April 13th at 9AM & 11AM), our kids have a fun opportunity to be part of the service! Kids PreK-5th grade are invited to join us for a special processional that will be taking place during both services.
If you would like your child to be involved with the processional, they will need to be signed up by March 20th.

Adult Gym Night
Adults 18+ are invited to join us on the 4th Friday of each month for Adult Volleyball Gym Night! It’s a great time of fellowship and fun! See you there!
(at St. John Lutheran Church)

Youth Midfield
MIDFIELD is a new kind of community that focuses on providing a fun and safe space for students to meet new friends, play field games, get crafty at our craft table, eat pizza, be encouraged, and hear about the hope we have in Jesus. And it's FREE!
(completed medical release required in order to attend)

Youth Midfield
MIDFIELD is a new kind of community that focuses on providing a fun and safe space for students to meet new friends, play field games, get crafty at our craft table, eat pizza, be encouraged, and hear about the hope we have in Jesus. And it's FREE!
(completed medical release required in order to attend)

Youth Midfield
MIDFIELD is a new kind of community that focuses on providing a fun and safe space for students to meet new friends, play field games, get crafty at our craft table, eat pizza, be encouraged, and hear about the hope we have in Jesus. And it's FREE!
(completed medical release required in order to attend)

The Great Northwest Youth Conference
Powerful Worship
Awesome Games
Field Quiz Finals
Inspiring Speakers
Spiritual Growth
Food & Lodging
Cost : $150
Get more info & the conference schedule here (but please use our registration link, not the one posted on their page)

Kids in preschool-5th grade…Join us this Summer for TRUE NORTH VBS!
June 23rd-27th
Get more information on the VBS page

Youth Midfield
MIDFIELD is a new kind of community that focuses on providing a fun and safe space for students to meet new friends, play field games, get crafty at our craft table, eat pizza, be encouraged, and hear about the hope we have in Jesus. And it's FREE!
(completed medical release required in order to attend)

The Cove
We’d love to have you join us at our annual church camping trip in central Oregon. Sites will be available soon.

Save the date for Kids & Youth Camps!
Kids Camp : Aug. 1-4
High School Camp : Aug. 8-12
Jr. High Camp : Aug. 12-16
More details & registration coming soon!

Create Club (4th & 5th grades)
4th-5th Graders, join us from 4-5 pm at Liberty Bible Church! Invite your friends and join us for an afternoon making an after school treat and craft.

Youth UNIFY Night
Connecting youth with JESUS!
Want to ride with us? Meet in the youth center at 5:30PM. Otherwise we’ll see you there!

Burgers & Bingo
Set aside a special evening just for you and your K-5th grader! Join us on Friday, March 7th, for a fun-filled parent-child date night designed to deepen your connection. Enjoy delicious burgers, make lasting memories, and share some laughs over a few rounds of Bingo!
RSVP by Wednesday, March 5th to reserve your spot - we can’t wait to see you there!
Who : K-5th graders with their parent(s)
What : Building memories, eating burgers, and having a blast playing bingo!
Cost : Free!
Registration required by Wednesday, March 5th

Midweek Service Project
Join us for dinner and then help assemble hygiene kits for people being release from the Clark County jail. These kits will be distributed by the Clark County jail re-entry team.
Dinner at 5:45pm
Service project at 6:30pm

The After School Scoop
Kids K-5th Grade, join us for the after-school scoop! We get the scoop about school while you eat a scoop of ice cream!
Visit the registration form for all of the details. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

The After School Scoop
Kids K-5th Grade, join us for the after-school scoop! We get the scoop about school while you eat a scoop of ice cream!
Visit the registration form all of the details. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

Liberty's Got Talent
Our annual Variety Show!
Do you have a talent you’d like to share?
We are looking for a variety of acts from a variety of people!

Transform Northwest Praise & Worship
Transform Northwest presents a praise gathering featuring the great hymns and gospel choruses of the church! Free tickets will be available at the Liberty Bible “New Here / Start Here” desk on February 2nd & 9th.

Membership Class
Find out what it means to become a member of Liberty Bible Church. Meet immediately after 2nd service in Room 102.
Lunch provided. Help us get a good head count by signing up below.

Men's Breakfast
Join us for breakfast as we hear from special speaker, Pastor Larry Rounsley.
Help us get a good head count by signing up below

Worship & Prayer Night
Join us for dinner and a special night of Worship & Prayer
5:45 : Pizza
6:30 : Worship & Prayer

Marriage Retreat
At the SurfSand Resort in Cannon Beach, OR
Make your reservation by calling (855) 632-6744
Get our group rate by telling them that you’re attending the Liberty Bible Marriage Retreat

K-3rd Grade Create Club
Join us for an afternoon of winter themed crafts, snacks, and connection with friends! You won’t want to miss this Create Club! Register today!

Newcomers Lunch
For anyone who has been at Liberty for less than 6 months. Join us for lunch, meet the pastoral staff and ask any questions you have about the church and its ministries.
Help us get a good head count by signing up below.

Youth Parent Meeting
Parents...Our community is better with you!
If you have a student in grades 6-12, join us in Room 201 and hear what's happening in youth ministry!
Free drink at TrueBrew for all parents who attend!

4th & 5th Grade SkyZone
Join us at SkyZone for 90 minutes of jump time and an afternoon of fun. Please bring your SkyZone socks or $4 to purchase a pair. Drop-off and pick-up with be at SkyZone. Registration by January 16th at noon is required.
If you do not have a current SkyZone waiver, you can fill one out by visiting their website here.

The Bread of Life
Ladies, come together for a fun afternoon of fellowship & making bread. We will enjoy yummy treats and some fresh sourdough bread, learn the art of making sourdough bread, and we will be encouraged by a devotional by our guest speaker.
Each participant will receive a sourdough starter for future use and prepare a boule of dough to bake at home. Whether you’re a seasoned baker, interested in learning more, or simply looking to connect with your sisters in Christ, this event is for you!
Sign up below. $5 suggested donation

Life's Healing Choices
Starts January 8th
Come find real answers, real hope and a real future - one healing choice at a time
Sign up below, workbook provided.

Financial Peace
“Money isn’t a math problem-it’s a behavior problem.” Financial Peace can help change your habits so you can transform your money and your future. Sign up below to participate in this dynamic financial management class.

Family Service Project
Join us as we spread the light of Christ at Salmon Creek Post Acute & Rehabilitation. Kids with their families will help deliver the service projects we made October 30th to the residents. This is a great opportunity to love others. Please RSVP to attend.
December 18th
Meet at 6:30PM at Salmon Creek Post Acute & Rehabilitation
Parent participation required
Register today to attend!

PreK-5th Grade Christmas Movie Night
Come join us during MDWK and discover the true meaning of Christmas as we watch a festive Christmas movie!
December 11th
PreK-5th grades

Kids Christmas Worship Service
Kids K-5th grade, join our Kids Christmas Worship Service. This is a special Sunday where kids lead worship during both services, Sunday, December 8th. Practices begin October 6th and continue weekly leading up to December 8th. Join us between service 10:15am-10:50am to be a part of this awesome opportunity.
October 6th - December 8th : Join us for practice 10:15-10:50AM (in between services) every Sunday.
October 13th : Auditions for Scripture Reading & Singing Roles
December 7th, 9-11AM : Mandatory rehearsal
December 8th, both services : Kids lead our worship service

K-5th Grade Christmas Party
Come join us during MDWK and celebrate the birth of Jesus at our Christmas Party!
December 4th
K-5th Grades
Christmas story, games, crafts & a festive treat!

Preschool Bell Choir
During both services
We are excited to announce that the PreK Bell Choir will ring in the Christmas season in both services on December 1st. They’ll be playing two songs and reciting a passage of the Bible that details the significance of Christmas.
Practices will take place in the PreK classroom every Sunday at 10:00AM starting the first Sunday in October. All PreK kids who are 3 years old by December are welcome to participate.

Operation Christmas Child
Share the love and hope of Jesus with a needy child this Christmas!
Visit the table in the church foyer to pick up shoeboxes to fill or build a box online!

Will Night
Sometimes in life we need friends to sit with us as we make decisions.
Will Night is a friendly way to be accountable to completing your will, living will and medical power of attorney. We will provide a printer, witnesses and notaries for you to complete your packet of documents.*
Participants will complete their will using the third-party vendor www.totallegal.com. The fee of $19.95 per person will be paid directly to them.**
You will need to bring:
ID (driver’s license, passport or other state ID)
A device to access www.totallegal.com (laptop or tablet works best, but it is possible to complete on a phone)
A debit, credit or pre-paid card to pay the $19.95 per person fee, which will be paid directly to www.totallegal.com **
Please let the church know if any of these are barriers and we’ll try to find ways to help you.
Once you register for Will Night, you’ll receive a packet of information with some things to think about before the event.
* Liberty Bible Church, staff, volunteers and notaries are not attorneys, legal experts or medical advisors. No legal or medical advice will be provided.
** Liberty Bible Church, staff, volunteers and notaries are not affiliated with www.totallegal.com. We do not receive any compensation for utilizing their services.

Youth Operation Christmas Child
Join us as we help spread the message of Jesus to children around the world this Christmas. Visit our Amazon wishlist page if you’d like to help by donating items.
If you’re able, please bring $10 to help offset the cost of each box. Thank you!

Liberty On Ice
at Mt. View Ice Arena (14313 SE Mill Plain Blvd.)
$5 Skate Rental (cash only)
3:30-5:30 Ice skating for all ages
5:30-6:30 Broom Hockey for 6th Grade & up

Add events to your device calendar using the “Google Calendar” or “ICS” links. You can also subscribe to the church calendar using this link.