Celebrate Recovery

A Christ Centered 12 Step Ministry

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12 Step Ministry

Men and women are experiencing healthier and more whole lives as they encounter biblical truth and grace-filled support for their hurts, habits and hang-ups.

Some of the many Hurts, Hang-ups and Habits:

  • Abuse - Physical, Emotional, Verbal & Sexual

  • Adult Children of Alcoholics

  • Alcohol

  • Anger & Broken Relationships

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Codependency

  • Spouses of sexually addicted partners

  • Drugs

  • Financial - recovery & gambling

  • Food related issues - eating disorders

  • Sexual addictions - pornography

​Isaiah 57:18-19

God says of his people that he has seen how they acted but he will heal them, he will lead them and help them and will comfort those who mourn. So God knows us. He knows where we came from, where we stand today, and where we’re going tomorrow. And He says:

If you’ve been hurt,

“I want to heal you.”

If you’re confused,

“I want to lead you.”

If you’ve ever felt you were helpless to change anything,

“I want to help you.”

If you’ve ever felt no one understands your problem,

“I want to comfort you.”

If you feel worried or afraid,

“I want to offer peace to you.”

Meeting Schedule

Join us each Monday night - even on holidays!


6:30PM - Worship, Teaching or Testimony

7:30PM - Separate Men’s & Women’s Open Share Groups

Liberty Bible Church

12401 NE Salmon Creek Ave, Vancouver WA 98686

(follow the signs from the parking lot)


Want to learn more?

Celebrate Recovery offers a safe environment for people facing life's challenges. Reach out to us for more information on how this faith-based program can provide the support you need in your journey towards healing