Connect We invite you to fill out this connection form each week. Name * First Name Last Name I'm attending Online In Person Gender Male Female If married : spouse's first and last name First Name Last Name Children under 18, living at home Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email Phone (###) ### #### I'm a... First time guest Second time guest Regular attender Member How did you hear about Liberty Bible Church? Next Steps FOLLOW JESUS (I'm dedicating my life to Jesus for the first time) REDEDICATION (I'm rededicating my life to Jesus) BE BAPTIZED (I want to learn more) TALK WITH A PASTOR (I need pastoral help or guidance) JOIN OUR FAMILY (I want to learn more about becoming a member) SERVE (I want to learn more about giving back and service. Note which ministry below) What ministry area would you like to know more about? Prayer Requests / Praises Tell us how God is moving in your life. Include praises, prayer requests, and answers to prayer. Thank you! Your online connection card has been sent to the church office.Prayer requests and praises are read each week by our pastoral staff. If you requested more information or assistance, we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.